

"I know how it goes
I know how it goes from wrong and right
Silence and sound
Did they ever hold each other tight
Like us
Did they ever fight
Like us"

Don’t forget to smile today :)



Easter Muffins - Recipe

Happy Easter!!

Every now and then I try to surprise my family with some sweets baked by me. It makes me very happy when somebody smiles because of something that I made. It could be a hand-made greeting card, a gift box, a cupcake..anything. I love making people smile   J

I got this recipe from here and I changed it a little bit. Instead of using a baking tin I used muffin cases and I added some raisins.

I really hope you will try this recipe sometime because it’s so so simple to make and it’s really tasty. 

Here are the ingredients that you will need:

  • 170 g Self Raising Flour
  • 170 g Caster Sugar
  • 110 g Icing Sugar
  • 50 g Raisins
  • 170 g Butter
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1 tsp Baking Powder
  • a pinch of salt
  • 2 Lemons

After you have prepared your ingredients, preheat your oven to 180° Celsius

First you will have to melt the butter with the Caster Sugar on very low heat


Mix all the dry ingredients together 

When the melted butter and the sugar have cooled down a bit, mix in the lemon zest and the eggs 

Slowly add the wet mixture into the dry mixture and stir until everything is well combined  


Lastly add the raisins  

Pour the mixture into muffin cases and bake for 25-30 minutes

While the muffins are baking, make a lemon syrup by melting the icing sugar with the lemon zest on very low heat 

When the muffins have golden take them out and check if they are done with a toothpick (if the toothpick comes out dry, they are done)

Make a few holes in the muffins with a straw like so

Pour the lemon syrup in the holes that you created with the straw

Put raisins in the muffin holes to make it prettier 

Now taste your creation J  

I really hope my pictures were helpful and that you enjoyed this recipe.
I’m gonna post more recipes soon.

Here are my Easter flowers and a very happy chocolate bunny

Don’t forget to smile today :)





    This week’s #MusicalMonday is a fantastic live performance by Bon Jovi. I love this song!!

Enjoy  ;)

      Don’t forget to smile today :)



19 things I’ve learned before I turned 19 - Katey Chrest

     I stumbled across this post by Katey Chrest on tumblr and I really liked it so I thought I’d share her thoughts with you :)

1.  Always carry $5 and a lighter with you (even if you don’t smoke).
2.  Ask every person you meet how their day is going. Genuinely ask with the soul intention of learning how their day is. Ask the coffee shop employee. Ask the person next to you in line at Walmart. Ask your distant friend. Ask everyone.

3.  Take many photos of yourself. Take photos of yourself when you’re happy. Take photos of yourself when you’re sad. Take photos of yourself because there are millions of trees in the world, and we all look at the same sky, but there is only one of you.

4.  Stay in contact with your parents. Try not to hate them. They are the reason you have the ability to feel anything at all. Try not to hate your parents.

5.  Opening your skin will not set your demons free. Open your heart. Open your mind. Open your hands.

6.  Nobody knows anybody completely. That’s okay.

7.  Be gentle, but be aggressive. Take a stand. Nobody hears your voice if you stay silent. 

8.  Respect everybody. We are all humans trying to survive. We all deserve respect. 

9.  Wearing black will ALWAYS make you feel better about yourself. 

10.  Always give tips, whether it be a couple extra dollars or a piece of mind. You never know how much you could be helping someone. 

11.  Change is the only thing consistent in life. Do not allow that bother you. Embrace chance and move with life, whichever direction it chooses to take you.

12.  Smile often. Smile at strangers. Smile at your friends. Smile when nobody is looking and you’re alone in your bedroom. Smile when somebody is rambling to you. 

13.  Body image means nothing. Your body is merely just a seatbelt in the car. Your body is here to protect you. You choose the direction you go, and your body will not hold you back. Only you can hold yourself back. 

14.  Don’t hold grudges. Don’t allow yourself to hate anybody. Forgive them. Learn to love them for the person you never got to see them to be. Believe that a beautiful human exists in that person. Wish them well.

15.  Drink orange juice. Lot’s of it.

16.  Don’t allow the opinions of others to choose your destiny. We are all simply trying to live our own life.

17.  Sing all the time. Sing off key. Sing in a silly voice. Sing like you’re on stage. Sing no matter who is around. Singing is breathing for the soul. Sing.

18.  Take time to think. Write your feelings down. Write letters to the people you love. Texting is overrated and not as heartfelt as a nice handwritten letter.

19.  Live for yourself. Breathe for yourself. Do everything in your life for nobody but you. This is your life. This is it.

               Don’t forget to smile today :)




“I know you’ve never loved
The sound of your voice on tape
You never want
To know how much you weight
You still have to squeeze into your jeans
But you’re perfect to me

        Don’t forget to smile today :)



Goodbye March...Hello April :)

I took advantage of the amazing weather and I went out in the garden and tried to capture the beautiful April springy atmosphere.

Here are the results :)

As soon as I went out my dog greeted me, keep in mind though that he doesn’t like his picture taken so in all the pictures he seems either angry or sad,  but he is a lovely and happy dog.

I begged him to look into the camera and smile but this is all I got

'Ok you can stop taking pictures now’

All our blossoming trees where full of enthusiastic bees

‘Oh no she turned the camera on me again’

‘I’m done. I won’t look at her anymore’

Look another bee

And another one

I hope you liked my pictures.
Happy April everybody!!

   Don’t forget to smile today :)


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