
Quick&Easy Hairstyles | Tutorial


      I know that Valentine's Day was last week, and I'm sorry I'm late with this post but I still want to share this with you because this is a very helpful tutorial made by the lovely Ingrid Nilsen. As you will see in the video, she shows us how to do 3 quick & easy (everyday or date night) hairstyles. Make sure you subscribe to her YouTube channel because she makes great tutorials and she is very sweet.

Enjoy :)

Of course I gave it a go too, and here it’s my result of the messy bun.

 I hope you enjoyed this very unusual post and that you will try at least one of these hairstyles.




"Keep on loving what is true
And the world will come to you
You can find it in yourself"

I hope you enjoy my pick for this week :)



The best is yet to come

      Hello guys!!

      This is my first (actually second, because I did the #MusicalMonday haha) post being 20. Wow… You never think about age and time, you just go with it every day, but when you sit down and think for a bit and you realize “woah I’m 20!”. I can honestly say that as the years go by my life just gets better. Day by day I’m happier and I’m more and more proud of the things I can achieve. I never would have thought that I would be doing what I’m doing today. I feel blessed.

      All you need to do it believe. If you believe strong enough, I promise you the whole planet will work in your favor. You just have to stop, look around and realize that things are not against you all the time, try to always look at the bright side of life and if you are patient enough, things will eventually come together. I promise. J

      Right now, today, I can safely say that I’ve never been happier and I never felt so at peace with myself. I finally feel like I have the strength to achieve everything I put my mind to. I am really really excited for the future but terrified at the same time.

      Always remember: “If you’re dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough”



‘I found the one, he changed my life
But was it me that changed
And he just happened to come at the right time
I’m supposed to be in love
But I’m numb again'

     I love everything about this amazing performance.
       Enjoy J


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